Psychomotricity in Preprimary Education.
Through psychomotricity our goal is to work the different motor aspects, carrying out a whole student’ development from the earliest ages. All this bearing in mind that the integral development entails 5 dimensions on which the teaching-learning process is based: social, physical, affective, cognitive and linguistic development.
From our Center, using English as a vehicle language, we work with the different psychomotor contents. Part of the methodology we carry out is based on “Active school”, promoted by Dewey, in which he bets on “learn to learn”and “learning by doing”. Always respecting the individual students’ rhythms and promoting their potentialities.
In this way, we intend to teach these children to be protagonists of their own learning, and make a  significant contribution with every task we propose. Through physical activity, always as a game, the students have the possibility to learn through experimentation and discovery without forgetting the trial-error learning process, which is essential to integrate new concepts.
The teaching-learning process that we carry out is based on globalization, where different learning activities are integrated. All of them are evaluated in a global, continuous and formative way, used to check  at what stage is each student, or even to detect possible difficulties and work on them.
However, what is our goal?… EDUCATING FOR LIFE… EDUCATING TO LOVE. In addition to working psychomotricity through the English language, implicitly, we advocate an education in which children learn in a cooperative way: SHARING RESPECTING, COOPERATING, HELPING and above all, LEARN TO LOVE.